My Boyfriend Has A Serious Gambling Problem

My Boyfriend Has A Serious Gambling Problem 3,7/5 2007 reviews
I am very mad but also worried and i need advice.
About a year or two back my boyfriend started gambling alot, he was paid weekly and every friday would go out with the boys at work to william hill and gamble, at that time he had money to do it so i never noticed although he told me after he had before gambled his whole weeks wages. I felt i couldn't be mad at him as it was his money and he told me he would only gamble when he had the money to do so.
He quit his job and after that i didn't notice his gambling as much although he used to do it online and football bets, he would sometimes lie to me about borrowing money from people and it was once 'accidently' taken out of my account for online gambling. Every time i tried to talk to him he would get angry at me and just tell me it was a thing he enjoyed doing, and it was now only 10/20 pounds or so a week on football bets.
  • Boyfriend possible gambling addict My 37 y/o bf of 4 years (I’m 45 y/o) has a problem with gambling and I’m feeling that it’s an addiction at this point which he can no longer control. He’s verbalized that he wants to “cut back” but has not ever tried to fully quit or closed out account with his bookie.
  • As long as your boyfriend is gambling and does not believe he has a problem, you will always be the 'Bad Guy'. There have been cases of family members being financially devastated without their knowledge - accounts accessed and emptied, loans taken out with forged signatures, credit cards opened in their names, valuables stolen and pawned.
  • My Boyfriend Has A Serious Gambling Problem It is your own responsibility to determine if gambling online from your current location is legal. My Boyfriend Has A Serious Gambling Problem Playing casino games involves risk and should be considered a fun, recreational activity, not a way to earn an income. Please gamble responsibly.

My boyfriend and I have been together for about 2 years now and we love each other very much. He’s always gambled a little here and there but ever since he got laid off in August (he gets unemployment benefits at the moment) he’s been joining online poker rooms. Diagnosing a gambling problem involves looking for signs someone is out of control. Possible signs of a gambling problem include: Spending more money on gambling than one can afford Difficulties in personal relationships caused by gambling.

He recently moved in with me but with no job as he has been looking for one, in that time i have been supporting him with buying food etc. It has been quite tough as i havent got much money myself and have got annoyed at him for me having to pay out for everything. He has also been borrowing money from me to go out and the past two weeks he hasnt had a pound to his name so yet again i've paid for everything. Yesterday he asked me if he could go put a football bet on as he had 3 pounds which he found in his jacket. I told him he could. Later that night i had gone into his pocket and there was his football slip, he snatched it out of my hand and i eventually got it out of him that it was a 20 pound bet which he said he had found 'in his account.' I don't know where this money had come from and i am so angry that if he had found that 20 pounds he could of given it to me to help out with the expenses. I am at the end now and don't know what to do.

Is your spouse currently dealing with a gambling problem, and you can’t figure out why they’re behaving the way they are?


There are lots of people that can go out to a casino and enjoy the fun in gambling whether they win or lose.

However, there are other individuals who over the course of time develop an addiction to gambling that can ultimately tear apart their lives.

From the outside looking in, it seems as if a person should be able to control their actions – especially when the consequences are severe.

Be that as it may, compulsive gambling and/or addiction are progressive and complicated illnesses that eventually grow beyond their control.

Understanding What Compulsive Gambling is

Winning is something that we all hope to do when we gamble (or compete on some level). When we actually do win, there’s an instant feeling of thrill and accomplishment.


These overwhelming feelings are triggered by chemicals released into the “feel good” section of the brain. Naturally, the brain wants to feel this feeling again and thus begins to actions of repetitive gambling.

What was once a monthly trip to the casino then becomes gambling online and/or betting on sports. The more you win, the more you want to gamble. The more you lose the more you want to win again. Eventually, it is out of your control and the brain simply feels it “needs” to win in order to feel good again.

Some might assume that if they can be satisfied with gambling on occasion, so should those who suffer from compulsive gambling or an addiction. However, it is important to point out that everyone is different and thus can be affected by gambling in a different way.

While one person could develop an addiction after gambling for the first time, others may not develop an addiction for several years. There are varying factors that determine when a person may or may not develop an addiction.

Signs Of a Gambling Problem

After fully understanding the meaning of a compulsive gambler or a gambling addict, the next step in helping your loved one with their issue is to educate yourself on the warning signs.

Below are a few of these signs to consider:

  • Has your spouse started gambling more than usual?
  • Are they spending money that you don’t have to spend on gambling?
  • Do they gamble despite your concern?
  • Does gambling keep them from completing daily responsibilities at home and/or at work?
  • Have they begun to lie about their gambling activities in an effort to keep you off their back?
  • Have they begun stealing and/or committing fraud as a means to get money to gamble?
  • Do they ask others for small loans and use it to gamble (or to cover gambling debts)?

If you’ve recognized any of these signs in your spouse, you will need to address the matter so that you can get them assistance with their illness.

Approaching Your Loved One

Dealing with the realization that your spouse may have a gambling problem can be a hard pill to swallow.

Prior to approaching them on the subject matter, it may be ideal that you first take a few deep breaths and equip yourself with resourceful information on gambling addictions. When you do approach your spouse, it will be important that you approach him with love and concern and not from a place of pain or anger.

When you’re dealing with something as serious as addiction, you must handle it delicately to ensure that what you have to say does not seem like an ambush. Below are a few tips on talking with a loved one:

· Sort through your feelings first – the moment you realize there is a gambling problem, you don’t want to address the issue right then.

Take the time to ensure that you’re fully educated on addiction and how to best help your loved one prior to having a discussion.

My Boyfriend Has A Serious Gambling Problem

· Be an effective communicator – when you’re dealing with something as serious as addiction it is important that you do as much listening as you do talking.

If your loved one is made to feel like all you’re doing is pointing fingers, they may be reluctant to confide in you, or even worse, refuse to get help.

· Share what you’ve learned – After having addressed your concerns with your loved one, and having listened to their feelings on the matter, sharing what you’ve learned about gambling addiction is a great way to show them you care.

My Boyfriend Has A Serious Gambling Problem

You can discuss what addiction is, what the warning signs are, and the various ways to get help.

Getting Help

My Bf Has A Gambling Problem

There are several methods in which you can get help for your spouse and their gambling addiction. There is essentially talking with a therapist, going with a rehab facility for outpatient treatment options, or going for long term care inpatient treatment options.

While everyone has a different path to recovery,, a rehab facility for men, discusses why long term treatment is ideal for optimal recovery. After deciding which route you’re going to take, reaching out to the best service provider right away is ideal.

The sooner your loved one can get help, the better off they’ll be.

Dealing with mental illness of any kind can be traumatic not only for the person suffering from the illness, but for the family as well.


If your spouse is currently struggling with a gambling problem, or any form of addiction, it is ideal that you first educate yourself, recognize the signs, and approach them in a loving and supportive way.

My Boyfriend Has A Serious Gambling Problems

When they’re ready to change, knowing that they have you in their corner to get help will make their recovery that much more successful.

My Boyfriend Has A Serious Gambling Problem Involving

This post was contributed by writer, Christine Michaels.